Expand description
Creates a Filter
that serves a directory at the base path
by the request path.
This can be used to serve “static files” from a directory. By far the most
common pattern of serving static files is for GET
requests, so this
filter automatically includes a GET
use warp::Filter;
// Matches requests that start with `/static`,
// and then uses the rest of that path to lookup
// and serve a file from `/www/static`.
let route = warp::path("static")
// For example:
// - `GET /static/app.js` would serve the file `/www/static/app.js`
// - `GET /static/css/app.css` would serve the file `/www/static/css/app.css`
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More examples
examples/file.rs (line 14)
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async fn main() {
let readme = warp::get()
// dir already requires GET...
let examples = warp::path("ex").and(warp::fs::dir("./examples/"));
// GET / => README.md
// GET /ex/... => ./examples/..
let routes = readme.or(examples);
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;
examples/compression.rs (line 25)
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async fn main() {
let file = warp::path("todos").and(warp::fs::file("./examples/todos.rs"));
// NOTE: You could double compress something by adding a compression
// filter here, a la
// ```
// let file = warp::path("todos")
// .and(warp::fs::file("./examples/todos.rs"))
// .with(warp::compression::brotli());
// ```
// This would result in a browser error, or downloading a file whose contents
// are compressed
let dir = warp::path("ws_chat").and(warp::fs::file("./examples/websockets_chat.rs"));
let file_and_dir = warp::get()
let examples = warp::path("ex")
// GET /todos => gzip -> toods.rs
// GET /ws_chat => gzip -> ws_chat.rs
// GET /ex/... => deflate -> ./examples/...
let routes = file_and_dir.or(examples);
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;