Expand description
Create a wrapping filter that instruments every request with a custom
provided by a function.
use warp::Filter;
let route = warp::any()
.with(warp::trace(|info| {
// Create a span using tracing macros
method = %info.method(),
path = %info.path(),
Examples found in repository?
src/filters/trace.rs (lines 44-66)
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pub fn request() -> Trace<impl Fn(Info) -> Span + Clone> {
use tracing::field::{display, Empty};
trace(|info: Info| {
let span = tracing::info_span!(
remote.addr = Empty,
method = %info.method(),
path = %info.path(),
version = ?info.route.version(),
referer = Empty,
// Record optional fields.
if let Some(remote_addr) = info.remote_addr() {
span.record("remote.addr", &display(remote_addr));
if let Some(referer) = info.referer() {
span.record("referer", &display(referer));
tracing::debug!(parent: &span, "received request");
/// Create a wrapping filter that instruments every request with a custom
/// `tracing` [`Span`] provided by a function.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let route = warp::any()
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace(|info| {
/// // Create a span using tracing macros
/// tracing::info_span!(
/// "request",
/// method = %info.method(),
/// path = %info.path(),
/// )
/// }));
/// ```
/// [`Span`]: https://docs.rs/tracing/latest/tracing/#spans
pub fn trace<F>(func: F) -> Trace<F>
F: Fn(Info) -> Span + Clone,
Trace { func }
/// Create a wrapping filter that instruments every request with a `tracing`
/// [`Span`] at the [`DEBUG`] level representing a named context.
/// This can be used to instrument multiple routes with their own sub-spans in a
/// per-request trace.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let hello = warp::path("hello")
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace::named("hello"));
/// let goodbye = warp::path("goodbye")
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace::named("goodbye"));
/// let routes = hello.or(goodbye);
/// ```
/// [`Span`]: https://docs.rs/tracing/latest/tracing/#spans
/// [`DEBUG`]: https://docs.rs/tracing/0.1.16/tracing/struct.Level.html#associatedconstant.DEBUG
pub fn named(name: &'static str) -> Trace<impl Fn(Info<'_>) -> Span + Copy> {
trace(move |_| tracing::debug_span!("context", "{}", name,))
More examples
examples/tracing.rs (lines 47-50)
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async fn main() {
// Filter traces based on the RUST_LOG env var, or, if it's not set,
// default to show the output of the example.
let filter = std::env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|_| "tracing=info,warp=debug".to_owned());
// Configure the default `tracing` subscriber.
// The `fmt` subscriber from the `tracing-subscriber` crate logs `tracing`
// events to stdout. Other subscribers are available for integrating with
// distributed tracing systems such as OpenTelemetry.
// Use the filter we built above to determine which traces to record.
// Record an event when each span closes. This can be used to time our
// routes' durations!
let hello = warp::path("hello")
// When the `hello` route is called, emit a `tracing` event.
.map(|| {
tracing::info!("saying hello...");
"Hello, World!"
// Wrap the route in a `tracing` span to add the route's name as context
// to any events that occur inside it.
let goodbye = warp::path("goodbye")
.map(|| {
tracing::info!("saying goodbye...");
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
// We can also provide our own custom `tracing` spans to wrap a route.
.with(warp::trace(|info| {
// Construct our own custom span for this route.
tracing::info_span!("goodbye", req.path = ?info.path())
let routes = hello
// Wrap all the routes with a filter that creates a `tracing` span for
// each request we receive, including data about the request.
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;