Specification: A path is a sequence of edges such that the target of each edge is the source of the next. Given a graph and a vertex v, list each vertex u such that there is a path from v to u and u to v.
Example input/output:
source | target |
a | b |
b | b |
b | c |
c | b |
c | a |
a | d |
source |
c |
[a, b, c]
Python - Imperative
def scc(graph, query): reachable = set() vertices = set() for edge in graph: reachable.add((edge["source"], edge["target"])) vertices.add(edge["source"]) vertices.add(edge["target"]) changed = True while changed: changed = False for edge in graph: for vertex in vertices: if ((edge["source"], vertex) not in reachable and (edge["target"], vertex) in reachable): changed = True reachable.add((edge["source"], vertex)) source = query[0]["source"] result = [] for vertex in vertices: if ((source, vertex) in reachable and (vertex, source) in reachable): result.append(vertex) return result
Python - Functional
def scc(graph, query): def step(relation): return set([ (source, edge["target"]) for (source, target) in relation for edge in graph if target == edge["source"] ]).union(relation) def fix(f, x): next = f(x) return x if next == x else fix(f, next) source = query[0]["source"] init = set([(edge["source"], edge["target"]) for edge in graph]) reachable = fix(step, init) return list(set([v for (_, v) in reachable if (v, source) in reachable and (source, v) in reachable]))
SQL - SQLite
WITH RECURSIVE closure(source, target) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT source, target FROM graph UNION SELECT edge.source, path.target FROM closure as path JOIN graph as edge ON edge.target = path.source ), component(v1, v2) AS ( SELECT path.source, path.target FROM closure as path JOIN closure as path_ ON path.source = path_.target AND path.target = path_.source ) SELECT S.v2 FROM component as S JOIN query ON S.v1 = query.source
Datalog - Souffle
.decl scc1(x: symbol, y: symbol) scc1(x, x) :- vertex(x). scc1(x, y) :- path(x, y), path(y, x). .decl path(x: symbol, y: symbol) path(x, y) :- graph(x, y). path(x,y) :- graph(x, z), path(z, y). .decl vertex(x: symbol) vertex(x) :- graph(x, _). vertex(x) :- graph(_, x). scc(x) :- query(src), scc1(src, x).