Specification: Convert the string value in each row into a number, removing commas if format is "comma_sep" and underscores if format is "under_sep".
Example input/output:
format | value |
comma_sep | 12,337,800 |
under_sep | 80_999 |
[12337800, 80999]
Python - Imperative
def strings_to_numbers(numbers): output = [] for row in numbers: if row["format"] == 'comma_sep': sep = "," else: sep = "_" output.append(int(row["value"].replace(sep, ""))) return output
Python - Functional
def strings_to_numbers(numbers): return [ int(row["value"].replace( "," if row["format"] == "comma_sep" else "_", "")) for row in numbers ]
Python - Pandas
def strings_to_numbers(numbers): def convert(row): sep = "," if row.format == 'comma_sep' else "_" return int(row.value.replace(sep, "")) return numbers.apply(convert, axis=1).tolist()
R - Tidyverse
strings_to_numbers <- function(numbers) { numbers %>% mutate(output = as.numeric(str_replace_all( value, ifelse(format == "comma_sep", ",", "_"), ""))) %>% pull(output) }
SQL - SQLite
SELECT CAST( REPLACE( value, CASE format WHEN "comma_sep" THEN "," WHEN "under_sep" THEN "_" END, "") AS integer) FROM numbers
Datalog - Souffle
.decl clean(Format:symbol, Inp:symbol, I:number, Outp:symbol) clean(Format, Inp, 0, "") :- numbers(Format, Inp). clean(Format, Inp, I+1, Outp) :- clean(Format, Inp, I, Outp_rec), I <= strlen(Inp), Chr = substr(Inp, I, 1), ((Format = "comma_sep", Sep = ","); (Format = "under_sep", Sep = "_")), ((Chr = Sep, Outp = Outp_rec); (Chr != Sep, Outp = cat(Outp_rec, Chr))). strings_to_numbers(N) :- clean(Format, Inp, strlen(Inp), Outp), N = to_number(Outp).
Q - kdb+
convert: {[val; format] sep: (("comma_sep"; "under_sep") ! (","; "_")) format; "J" $ ssr[val; sep; ""]} strings_to_numbers: convert'[numbers[`value]; numbers[`format]]