Expand description
Creates a Filter
that serves a File at the path
Does not filter out based on any information of the request. Always serves
the file at the exact path
provided. Thus, this can be used to serve a
single file with GET
s, but could also be used in combination with other
filters, such as after validating in POST
request, wanting to return a
specific file as the body.
For serving a directory, see dir.
// Always serves this file from the file system.
let route = warp::fs::file("/www/static/app.js");
Examples found in repository?
examples/file.rs (line 11)
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async fn main() {
let readme = warp::get()
// dir already requires GET...
let examples = warp::path("ex").and(warp::fs::dir("./examples/"));
// GET / => README.md
// GET /ex/... => ./examples/..
let routes = readme.or(examples);
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;
More examples
examples/compression.rs (line 7)
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async fn main() {
let file = warp::path("todos").and(warp::fs::file("./examples/todos.rs"));
// NOTE: You could double compress something by adding a compression
// filter here, a la
// ```
// let file = warp::path("todos")
// .and(warp::fs::file("./examples/todos.rs"))
// .with(warp::compression::brotli());
// ```
// This would result in a browser error, or downloading a file whose contents
// are compressed
let dir = warp::path("ws_chat").and(warp::fs::file("./examples/websockets_chat.rs"));
let file_and_dir = warp::get()
let examples = warp::path("ex")
// GET /todos => gzip -> toods.rs
// GET /ws_chat => gzip -> ws_chat.rs
// GET /ex/... => deflate -> ./examples/...
let routes = file_and_dir.or(examples);
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;