pub fn param<T: FromStr + Send + 'static>(
) -> impl Filter<Extract = (T,), Error = Rejection> + Copy
Expand description
Extract a parameter from a path segment.
This will try to parse a value from the current request path
segment, and if successful, the value is returned as the Filter
“extracted” value.
If the value could not be parsed, rejects with a 404 Not Found
use warp::Filter;
let route = warp::path::param()
.map(|id: u32| {
format!("You asked for /{}", id)
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examples/ (line 20)
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async fn main() {
// POST /employees/:rate {"name":"Sean","rate":2}
let promote = warp::post()
// Only accept bodies smaller than 16kb...
.and(warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 16))
.map(|rate, mut employee: Employee| {
employee.rate = rate;
warp::serve(promote).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await
examples/ (line 24)
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async fn main() {
// Keep track of all connected users, key is usize, value
// is an event stream sender.
let users = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
// Turn our "state" into a new Filter...
let users = warp::any().map(move || users.clone());
// POST /chat -> send message
let chat_send = warp::path("chat")
warp::body::bytes().and_then(|body: bytes::Bytes| async move {
.map_err(|_e| warp::reject::custom(NotUtf8))
.map(|my_id, msg, users| {
user_message(my_id, msg, &users);
// GET /chat -> messages stream
let chat_recv = warp::path("chat").and(warp::get()).and(users).map(|users| {
// reply using server-sent events
let stream = user_connected(users);
// GET / -> index html
let index = warp::path::end().map(|| {
.header("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
let routes = index.or(chat_recv).or(chat_send);
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;
examples/ (line 50)
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async fn main() {
// We'll start simple, and gradually show how you combine these powers
// into super powers!
// GET /
let hello_world = warp::path::end().map(|| "Hello, World at root!");
// GET /hi
let hi = warp::path("hi").map(|| "Hello, World!");
// How about multiple segments? First, we could use the `path!` macro:
// GET /hello/from/warp
let hello_from_warp = warp::path!("hello" / "from" / "warp").map(|| "Hello from warp!");
// Fine, but how do I handle parameters in paths?
// GET /sum/:u32/:u32
let sum = warp::path!("sum" / u32 / u32).map(|a, b| format!("{} + {} = {}", a, b, a + b));
// Any type that implements FromStr can be used, and in any order:
// GET /:u16/times/:u16
let times =
warp::path!(u16 / "times" / u16).map(|a, b| format!("{} times {} = {}", a, b, a * b));
// Oh shoot, those math routes should be mounted at a different path,
// is that possible? Yep.
// GET /math/sum/:u32/:u32
// GET /math/:u16/times/:u16
let math = warp::path("math");
let _sum = math.and(sum);
let _times = math.and(times);
// What! And? What's that do?
// It combines the filters in a sort of "this and then that" order. In
// fact, it's exactly what the `path!` macro has been doing internally.
// GET /bye/:string
let bye = warp::path("bye")
.map(|name: String| format!("Good bye, {}!", name));
// Ah, can filters do things besides `and`?
// Why, yes they can! They can also `or`! As you might expect, `or` creates
// a "this or else that" chain of filters. If the first doesn't succeed,
// then it tries the other.
// So, those `math` routes could have been mounted all as one, with `or`.
// GET /math/sum/:u32/:u32
// GET /math/:u16/times/:u16
let math = warp::path("math").and(sum.or(times));
// We can use the end() filter to match a shorter path
let help = warp::path("math")
// Careful! Omitting the following line would make this filter match
// requests to /math/sum/:u32/:u32 and /math/:u16/times/:u16
.map(|| "This is the Math API. Try calling /math/sum/:u32/:u32 or /math/:u16/times/:u16");
let math = help.or(math);
// Let's let people know that the `sum` and `times` routes are under `math`.
let sum =|output| format!("(This route has moved to /math/sum/:u16/:u16) {}", output));
let times =|output| format!("(This route has moved to /math/:u16/times/:u16) {}", output));
// It turns out, using `or` is how you combine everything together into
// a single API. (We also actually haven't been enforcing that the
// method is GET, so we'll do that too!)
// GET /
// GET /hi
// GET /hello/from/warp
// GET /bye/:string
// GET /math/sum/:u32/:u32
// GET /math/:u16/times/:u16
let routes = warp::get().and(
// Note that composing filters for many routes may increase compile times (because it uses a lot of generics).
// If you wish to use dynamic dispatch instead and speed up compile times while
// making it slightly slower at runtime, you can use Filter::boxed().
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;