
Recall that witnesses are proofs of properties, like being a website admin. In the witness pattern, the actual value (e.g. admin: Admin) may not actually be used at runtime — its presence is purely for statically enforcing access control. When using witnesses, the API designer must carefully ensure that every time a piece of code makes an assumption (e.g. user is an admin), that the code has access to a corresponding witness.

An alternative approach is to associate a witness with its runtime capabilities. To dig into that statement, we'll use the running example of a Mutex<T> that protects a value of type T given a SystemMutex (e.g. pthread_mutex). Recall that a mutex should satisfy the following design goals:

  1. Access control: Only one thread can access T at any given time by calling SystemMutex::lock.
  2. Cleanup: Once a thread has finished accessing T, it should call SystemMutex::unlock.

Here's a hypothetical Mutex<T> API:

struct Mutex<T> {
  t: UnsafeCell<T>,
  system_mutex: SystemMutex

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
  pub fn new(t: T) -> Self { /* .. */ }

  pub fn lock(&self) -> &mut T {
    unsafe { &mut *self.t.get() }

  pub fn unlock(&self) {

fn main() {
  let mtx = Mutex::new(1);
  let n = mtx.lock();

  let n2 = mtx.lock();

  // two mutable pointers to same data! very bad!
  *n = 1;
  *n2 = 2;

This API nominally enforces access control via encapsulation: the only way to access T is by calling lock, which ensures that SystemMutex::lock is called. However, the issue is that there is no mechanism which relates the lifetime of &mut T to the lifetime of the lock on the system mutex. So an API client could forget to call Mutex::unlock which violates the cleanup design goal. Or worse, an API client could call Mutex::unlock too early which would allow other threads to access T simultaneously, violating the access control design goal.

Witness approach

How could we try to solve this problem with a witness? One possible approach is to return a witness to a mutex being locked, and use that witness to mediate access and cleanup.

struct MutexIsLocked;

struct Mutex<T> { /* .. */ }

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
  fn lock(&self) -> MutexIsLocked {

  fn unlock(&self, _witness: MutexIsLocked) {

  fn get(&self, _witness: &MutexIsLocked) -> &mut T {
    unsafe { &mut *self.t.get() }

fn main() {
  let mtx = Mutex::new(1);
  let witness = mtx.lock();
  let n = mtx.get(&witness);

  let witness2 = mtx.lock();
  let n2 = mtx.get(&witness2);
  *n = 1;
  *n2 = 2;

This interface is better than the previous one because:

  1. unlock cannot be called at any time, it can only be called after lock because the witness ensures that the mutex is locked.
  2. unlock cannot be called multiple times, because unlock takes ownership of the witness.
  3. Mutex::get cannot be called after Mutex::unlock because unlock takes ownership of the witness.

However, this interface still does not satisfy our design goals of access control and cleanup.

  1. As shown in main, the lifetime of the &mut T can be longer than the lifetime of the witness. So access control is not enforced because dangling pointers to T are held after unlock.
  2. Nothing relates the MutexIsLocked witness to the mutex it came from. You could create two unrelated mutexes, and pass the witness from one into the other.

Again, our main idea returns: consistency between related elements. Our witness-based API does not ensure that access to the mutex's data is consistent with access to the witness of the locked mutex.

Guard approach

Instead of a MutexIsLocked witness, we will use a guard: a data structure that both proves a property (a mutex is locked) and mediates access to data (the mutex's T). The idea is that calling Mutex::lock will return a MutexGuard which manages the system mutex in its constructor and destructor, and it provides access to the inner T.

struct MutexGuard<'a, T> {
  lock: &'a Mutex<T>

impl<'a, T> MutexGuard<'a, T> {
  fn new(lock: &'a Mutex<T>) -> Self {
    MutexGuard { lock }

  fn get(&mut self) -> &mut T {
    &mut *self.lock.t

impl<'a, T> Drop for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
  fn drop(&mut self) {

struct Mutex<T> { /* same as before */ }

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
  pub fn lock<'a>(&'a self) -> MutexGuard<'a, T> {

fn main() {
  let mtx = Mutex::new(1);
    let guard = mtx.lock();
    let n = guard.get();
    *n = 1;

    let guard = mtx.lock();
    let n = guard.get();
    *n = 2;

Thise API now enforces both access control and cleanup:

  1. Access control: when a thread calls MutexGuard::get, the borrow on T can only last as long as the MutexGuard, preventing dangling pointers. And the mutex is guaranteed to be locked by construction when MutexGuard exists.
  2. Cleanup: only after all borrows to T have ended will MutexGuard be dropped, which then automatically unlocks the system mutex. The API client cannot possibly forget or unlock in the wrong order.

For more examples, this pattern is used throughout the standard library: Mutex<T>, RwLock<T>, and RefCell<T>.

Closure guards

A variant on the guard design uses closures rather than guard structs. For example, a closure-based mutex:

struct Mutex<T> { /* same as before */ }

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
  pub fn lock(&self, f: impl FnMut(&mut T)) {
    f(&mut self.t.get());

fn main() {
  let mtx = Mutex::new(1);
  mtx.lock(|n| {
    *n = 1;

  mtx.lock(|n| {
    *n = 2;

The use of closures enables an API to:

  1. Execute code at the right time (after the lock is taken)
  2. Pass the protected data to the code for a limited duration (&mut T)
  3. Regain control and cleanup after execution (unlocking the lock)