
Extensible systems, or frameworks where the client plugs in their own functionality, often have a notion of "registration" to associate the user's code with a piece of the framework. For example:

  • In event systems, users can register callbacks to be triggered when an event occurs.
  • In dependency injection systems, users register dependencies which gets plumbed to other code that is registered to request that dependency.

These systems use registries to maintain sets of event listeners or dependencies. The key API design challenge is to maintain consistency between the registered objects and the code that reads the registry. As a running example, we will use an event system. Consider this API that works like JavaScript's addEventListener:

use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::HashMap;
type EventListener = Box<dyn Fn(&dyn Any)>;

struct EventRegistry {
  listeners: HashMap<String, Vec<EventListener>>

impl EventRegistry {
  fn add_event_listener(&mut self, event: String, f: EventListener) {

  fn trigger(&self, event: String, data: &dyn Any) {
    let listeners = self.listeners.get(&event).unwrap();
    for listener in listeners.iter() {

struct OnClick { mouse_x: f32, mouse_y: f32 }

fn main() {
  let mut events = EventRegistry::default();
  events.add_event_listener("click".to_owned(), Box::new(|event| {
    let event = event.downcast_ref::<OnClick>().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(event.mouse_x, 1.);

  let event = OnClick { mouse_x: 1., mouse_y: 3. };
  events.trigger("click".to_owned(), &event);

How could a user incorrectlmouse_y work with this API? They could:

  • Typo the event name: as with all stringly-typed programming, the event name could be the wrong string, like "clack" instead of "click", for either the listener or the trigger.

  • Send the wrong payload for an event: event listeners take literally any type as input. A user could trigger a MouseEvent for the "click" string.

  • Use the event payload incorrectly:: a user could incorrectly cast the payload to MouseEvent for a listener to the "click" event.

The core issue is that the event name "click" and the event data OnClick are linked by convention but not by design. This issue is inherent to registries that use strings to identify objects.

Instead, I will show you how to design both an event system and a dependency injection system using types as keys intead of strings as keys. Type-based registries will avoid all of the issues in the API above.

1. Type-safe events

Our goal is to write an API that looks like this from the client's perspective:

struct OnClick {
  mouse_x: f32,
  mouse_y: f32,

let mut events = EventRegistry::new();

// The event is passed in as a type parameter instead of a string
events.add_event_listener::<OnClick>(|event| {
  assert_eq!(event.mouse_x, 10.);
  assert_eq!(event.mouse_y, 5.);

// The event type could alternatively be inferred from the closure
events.add_event_listener(|event: &OnClick| {
  assert_eq!(event.mouse_x, 10.);
  assert_eq!(event.mouse_y, 5.);

events.trigger(&OnClick {
  mouse_x: 10.,
  mouse_y: 5.,

The outline of the underlying API looks like this:

trait Event = 'static;
trait EventListener<E> = Fn(&E) -> () + 'static;

struct EventRegistry { /* .. */ };

impl EventRegistry {
  fn add_event_listener<E: Event>(
    &mut self,
    f: impl EventListener<E>
  ) {
    /* .. */

  fn trigger<E: Event>(
    event: &E
  ) {
    /* .. */

Each method on the event registry takes an event type E as input, rather than a string key. The registry associates listeners with that type, and then looks up listeners with that type.

Mapping types to values

To associate values (e.g. event listeners) with types, we will make a core building block: the TypeMap.

Rust has std::any for this purpose. TypeId allows us to get a unique, hashable identifier for each type. Any allows us to up-cast/down-cast objects at runtime. Hence, our TypeMap will map from TypeId to Box<dyn Any>.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::any::{TypeId, Any};

struct TypeMap(HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>);

To add an element to the map:

impl TypeMap {
  pub fn set<T: Any + 'static>(&mut self, t: T) {
    self.0.insert(TypeId::of::<T>(), Box::new(t));

This means our map has one unique value for a given type. For example, if we use the TypeMap like this:

let mut map = TypeMap::new();

Aside: the syntax ::<i32> is Rust's "turbofish". It explicitly binds a type parameter of a polymorphic function, rather than leaving it to be inferred. Further explanation here.

Then we insert a value 1 at the key TypeId::of::<i32>(). We can also implement has and get functions:

impl TypeMap {
  pub fn has<T: Any + 'static>(&self) -> bool {

  pub fn get_mut<T: Any + 'static>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
    self.0.get_mut(&TypeId::of::<T>()).map(|t| {

Look carefully at get_mut. The inner hash map returns a value of type Box<dyn Any>, which we can downcast_mut to become a value of type &mut T. This operation is guaranteed to not fail, because only values of type T are stored in the hash map under the key for T.

Implementing the event system

With the TypeMap in hand, we can finish our event system. For the EventRegistry, the TypeMap will map from events to a vector of listeners.

struct EventDispatcher(TypeMap);
type ListenerVec<E> = Vec<Box<dyn EventListener<E>>>;

impl EventDispatcher {
  fn add_event_listener<E>(&mut self, f: impl EventListener<E>) {
    if !self.0.has::<ListenerVec<E>>() {

    let listeners = self.0.get_mut::<ListenerVec<E>>().unwrap();

  fn trigger<E>(&self, event: &E) {
    if let Some(listeners) = self.0.get::<ListenerVec<E>>() {
      for callback in listeners {

Returning to our API design goals, this design enforces consistency between related elements: an event listener's payload must match the event it's registered to.

2. Type-safe dependency injection

We'll walk through another example of using type registries to avoid unsafe string-based design. The basic idea of dependency injection (DI) is that you have a component that depends on another, like a web server using a database. However, you don't want to hard-code a particular database constructor, and rather make it easy to swap in different databases. For example:

trait Database {
  fn name(&self) -> &'static str;

struct MySQL;
impl Database for MySQL {
  fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "MySQL" }

struct Postgres;
impl Database for Postgres {
  fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "Postgres" }

struct WebServer { db: Box<dyn Database> }
impl WebServer {
  fn run(&self) {
    println!("Db name: {}",;

To implement DI, we need two things:

  • We need a way to register a global Database at runtime to a particular instance, e.g. MySQL or Postgres.
  • We need a way to describe a constructor for WebServer that fetches the registered Database instance.

With these pieces, we can use our DI system like so:

let mut manager = DIManager::new();<MySQL>().unwrap();
let server =<WebServer>().unwrap();
server.lock().unwrap().run(); // prints Db name: MySQL

DI constructors

First, we'll define a trait DIBuilder that represents a constructor within our DI system.

trait DIBuilder {
  type Input;
  type Output;

  fn build(input: Self::Input) -> Self::Output;

The build method is a static method (doesn't take self as input). It just takes Input as input, and produces Output as output. The key idea is that because Input and Output are associated types, we can inspect them later on. We will need to find values for Input and to store Output in our DI manager.

We implement DIBuilder for each type in the system. The databases have no inputs, so their input is (). Their return type is Box<dyn Database>, meaning they are explicitly cast to a trait object so they can be used interchangeably.

impl DIBuilder for MySQL {
  type Input = ();
  type Output = Box<dyn Database>;
  fn build((): ()) -> Box<dyn Database> {

impl DIBuilder for Postgres {
  type Input = ();
  type Output = Box<dyn Database>;
  fn build((): ()) -> Box<dyn Database> {

impl DIBuilder for WebServer {
  type Input = (Box<dyn Database>,);
  type Output = WebServer;

  fn build((db,): Self::Input) -> WebServer {
    WebServer { db }

DI manager

Now that we know the dependency structure of our objects, we need a centralized manager to store the objects and fetch their dependencies.

struct DIManager(TypeMap);

In this TypeMap, we will store the constructed objects. For example, once we make a Box<dyn Database>, then we will map TypeId::of::<Box<dyn Database>> to one of Box<Postgres> or Box<MySQL>.

impl DIManager {
  fn build<T: DIBuilder>(&mut self) -> Option<T::Output> {
    let input = /* get the inputs, somehow */;
    let obj = T::build(input);

Ignoring how we fetch dependencies for now, this function calls the DIBuilder::build implementation for T, then stores the result in the TypeMap. This approach almost works, except not for Rust: ownership of obj is passed into TypeMap and the result of build.

And, intuitively, this makes sense. If a component like a database cursor needs to be shared across many downstream components, it needs some kind of access protection. Hence, we tweak our interface a bit to wrap everything in an Arc and Mutex.

type DIObj<T> = Arc<Mutex<T>>;

impl DIManager {
  fn build<T: DIBuilder>(&mut self) -> Option<DIObj<T::Output>> {
    let input = /* get the inputs, somehow */;
    let obj = T::build(input);
    let sync_obj = Arc::new(Mutex::new(obj));

DI dependencies

Finally, we need a way to implement the let input line in DIManager::build. Given a type T: DIBuilder, it has an associated type T::Input that represents the inputs needed to build it.

To simplify the problem, imagine T::Input = S where S: DIBuilder. Then if S has already been built, e.g. T = WebServer and S = Box<dyn Database>, we can fetch it directly from the typemap:

let input = self.0.get::<T::Input>().map(|obj| obj.clone())?;

However, in practice T::Input could be several dependencies. For example, if our server depends on a configuration, it might be:

impl DIBuilder for WebServer {
  type Input = (Box<dyn Database>, Box<dyn ServerConfig>);
  type Output = WebServer;

  fn build((db, config): Self::Input) -> WebServer {
    WebServer { db, config }

Let's assume now T::Input is always a tuple (S1, S2, ...) of types where each type Si : DIBuilder. Ideally, we could write something like:

let input = (T::Input).map(|S| {
  self.0.get::<S>().map(|obj| obj.clone()).unwrap()

But, alas, our language of expressions is not our language of types. Such a thing is the provenance of languages we can only dream about. Instead, we have to cleverly use traits to inductively define a way to extract inputs from the tuple. To start, we'll make a trait that gets an object of a particular type from the DIManager:

trait GetInput: Sized {
  fn get_input(manager: &DIManager) -> Option<Self>;

For DIObj<T>, this means looking up the type in the TypeMap:

impl<T: 'static> GetInput for DIObj<T> {
  fn get_input(manager: &DIManager) -> Option<Self> {
    manager.0.get::<Self>().map(|obj| obj.clone())

Then for tuples of DIObj<T>, we can make an inductive definition like so:

impl GetInput for () {
  fn get_input(_manager: &DIManager) -> Option<Self> {

impl<S: GetInput, T: GetInput> GetInput for (S, T) {
  fn get_input(manager: &DIManager) -> Option<Self> {
    S::get_input(manager).and_then(|s| {
      T::get_input(manager).and_then(|t| {
        Some((s, t))

Then we can modify our WebServer example to use an inductive structure:

impl DIBuilder for WebServer {
  type Input = (DIObj<Box<dyn Database>>,(DIObj<Box<dyn ServerConfig>>,()));
  type Output = WebServer;

  fn build((db, (config, ())): Self::Input) -> WebServer {
    WebServer { db, config }

Aside: in practice, rather than doing nested pairs, you can use a macro to create the GetInput impl for many tuple types like this.

And at last, we can implement DIManager::build:

impl DIManager {
  pub fn build<T: DIBuilder>(&mut self) -> Option<DIObj<T::Output>> {
    let input = T::Input::get_input(self)?;
    let obj = T::build(input);
    let sync_obj = Arc::new(Mutex::new(obj));

Now, the expression T::Input::get_input(self) will convert a tuple of types into a tuple of values of those types.

Final API example

With the API complete, our example now looks like this:

let mut manager = DIManager::new();<MySQL>().unwrap();
let server =<WebServer>().unwrap();

We can construct a WebServer without explicitly passing in a dyn Database instance. When we use the server, we have to explicitly call .lock() now that it's wrapped in a mutex. And lo, our dependencies have been injected.